Sudoku game for Sailfish OS

Aenigma (Latin for puzzle) is a Sudoku puzzle game for Sailfish OS.
Implemented Features
- Random Sudoku generator
- Different difficulties (Easy / Medium / Hard / Insane)
- Taking notes
- Show errors in grid
- Highlighting
- Hinting
- Undo
- Auto notes
- Auto cleanup of notes
- Different board styles
- Results (required steps / required time / used hints)
- Custom styling
- Bookmarking game state / return to bookmarked game state (request by elBoberido)
- Revert to last correct game state
Planned Features
- Save games
- Visual timeline to rewind actions
- Feature requests welcome
Available translations:
- English
- German
- Hungarian by Szabó G. (1Zgp)
- Spanish by Carmen F. B. (carmenfdezb)
- Polish by likot180
- Dutch by rgrnetalk and Rob Kouwenberg
- Russian by potap14108
- French by baxyz
If you missing your native language you are welcome to support this project with your translation.
If you like my work, you can buy me a beer!
The easiest way to download and install this software is by the SailfishOS:Chum GUI app. If you wish to download the RPM file by yourself, please expand the section below.
0.4.0-1 (2022-05-18)
- Added Sailjail permissions
Older changelogs
0.3.8-1 (2022-02-11)
- Added landscape mode
0.3.7-1 (2022-02-05)
- Use Monichs harbour-lib instead of libkeepalive for backward compatibility - Fixes for backward compatibility - Updated dutch translation
0.3.6-1 (2022-02-03)
- Fixes for release on sailfishos:chum
0.3.5-1 (2022-02-03)
- Updated translations
0.3.4-1 (2022-01-29)
- Fixed bug screenshots of bookmarks not showing - Add description to bookmarks - Revert to last correct state of game - Improved highlighting of notes - Bugfixes
0.3.3-1 (2022-01-23)
- Updated translations - Cleanup old bookmark screenshots
0.3.2-1 (2022-01-20)
- Add bookmarking of game states / return to bookmarked gamestate (requested by elBoberido) - Overwrite existing number with an other by double tap instead of one tap - Changed controls layout (requested by elBoberido) - Highlight notes if number is selected (requested by elBoberido) - Changed some icons because they were not available in older SailfishOS versions - Bugfixes
0.3.1-1 (2022-01-17)
- Fix bug saved games difficutly is always easy - Update French / Hungarian / Polish / Russian / Spanish translation
0.3.0-1 (2022-01-15)
- Add custom styling of game board - Add difficulty level on result board - Moved main functionality to separate library - Update translations
0.2.0-1 (2022-01-13)
- Add game statistics - New Theme \"Dark Shadow\" requested by rob_kouw - Add french translation by Berenger(baxyz) - Translation udaptes for Dutch / Hungarian / Polish / Russian - Bugfixes - UI Fixes
0.1.10-1 (2022-01-08)
- Add Dutch language by rgrnetalk
0.1.9-1 (2022-01-05)
- Update Hungarian translation
0.1.8-1 (2022-01-04)
- Save game state when closing app / will be loaded again on next app start - Add option to reset settings to default values - Add elapsed time to sudoku board - Fixed used hints where not shown correctly - Visual changes to default style - Updated Polish, Spanish and Hungarian translation - Bugfixes - Code cleanup
0.1.7-1 (2022-01-03)
- Add game generator cancellation after defined number of retries (Sudoku unsolvable / multiple solutions) - Hungarian translation update by Szabó G. (1Zgp)
0.1.6-1 (2022-01-02)
- Fixed a bug with game states not changing correct - Update Polish translation - Code cleanup
0.1.5-1 (2022-01-01)
- Replaced all std:: functions - Updated Spanish and Polish translation - Improvements - Several bugfixes
0.1.4-1 (2021-12-31)
- Add different board styles - Highlight modes (only cell / rows, colums, blocks) - Result board with step count, used time, used hints - Polish translation by likot180 - Fixed build dependencies (thanks to slava) - Bugfixes
0.1.3-1 (2021-12-31)
- Hungarian translation by Szabó G. (1Zgp) - Spanish translation by Carmen F. B. (carmenfdezb)
0.1.2-1 (2021-12-30)
- Option for auto cleaning notes - Improved undo - Fixed display keeps on when app is minimized - Fixed mode buttons could be turned off
App information
- Package name
- harbour-aenigma
- Version
- 0.4.0-1.4.1.jolla
- Licence
- GPLv2
- Last updated
- 2024-06-02 23:38:57
- Download size
- 159.5 KiB
- Installed size
- 483.5 KiB
- Checksum (sha256)
- 69a77184d92f7a54bcf7ec5dbc462b0abd6f207d2409160e9ce2417aa9dbbfe3