SailfishOS:Chum icon


A Sailfish OS software repository by the community

App icon of Amazfish


Watch interface application

Screenshot of harbour-amazfish Screenshot of harbour-amazfish Screenshot of harbour-amazfish

Watch companion application for SalfishOS


The easiest way to download and install this software is by the SailfishOS:Chum GUI app. If you wish to download the RPM file by yourself, please expand the section below.

Download links


2.5.0 (2024-11-24)

- [kirigami] DatePicker dialog doesn't pop() when accepted

Older changelogs

2.3.0 (2024-06-15)

- [kirigami] Minor improvements
- [kirigami] There should be title from BatteryPage instead of 'Accept'

2.2.3 (2024-03-03)

- [asteroidos] fix time service
- [AsteroidOS] Media Service - volume
- [AsteroidOS] Media Service (volume control is missing)
- [AsteroidOS] Notification Service
- [AsteroidOS] notifications service - increment id, show phone call
- [AsteroidOS] screenshot service
- [asteroidos] weather service
- [Cleanup/Debug Logs] Use  Q_FUNC_INFO in many more places.
- [Cleanup] Silence onRefreshTimer, reconnectionTimer
- [Cleanup] trivial header fix
- [Log] AbstractDevice: use Q_FUNC_INFO
- [Log] AbstractFetchOp: use Q_FUNC_INFO
- [Log] ActivitySummary: use Q_FUNC_INFO
- [Log] AsteroidWeatherService: use Q_FUNC_INFO
- [Log] BangleJSDevice: use Q_FUNC_INFO
- [Log] BipActivityDetailParser: use Q_FUNC_INFO
- [Log] BipFirmwareService: use Q_FUNC_INFO
- [Log] BipLiteDevice: use Q_FUNC_INFO
- [Log] CurrentTimeService: use Q_FUNC_INFO
- [Log] DeviceInterface: use Q_FUNC_INFO
- [Log] DfuService: use Q_FUNC_INFO
- [Log] dont report disconnection...
- [Log] HRMService: use Q_FUNC_INFO
- [Log] ImmediateAlertService: use Q_FUNC_INFO
- [Log] InfiniTime: use Q_FUNC_INFO
- [Log] MiBandService2: use Q_FUNC_INFO
- [Log] MiBandService: use Q_FUNC_INFO
- [Log] misc Operations: use Q_FUNC_INFO
- [Log] misc: use Q_FUNC_INFO
- [Log] most Devices/FirmwareInfo: use  Q_FUNC_INFO
- [Log] PinetimeJFDevice: use Q_FUNC_INFO
- [Log] PineTimeSimpleWeatherService: use Q_FUNC_INFO
- [Log] UARTService:: use Q_FUNC_INFO
- [Log] UpdateFirmwareOp: use Q_FUNC_INFO
- [screenshots] set descriptor

2.2.0 (2024-01-01)

- [bangle.js] missing items were added
- [docs] sailfishos needs additionally libicu-devel installed
- [mibandservice] fix weather precision

1.5.0 (2020-04-22)

- [daemon] Experiment with firmware download for GTS
- [download] Implement file transfer for the GTS

1.4.5 (2020-04-13)

- [ui] Add HR analaysis page

1.4.0 (2020-04-12)

- [ui] Hide some features if not supported
- [ui] Use darked colour for percent circle and load steps on startup
- [ui] Use the seconds since epoch for graph data

1.3.0 (2020-03-04)

- [ui] Add note to state when sleep is calculated
- [ui] Make percent circle thicker

1.2.0 (2020-03-01)

- [alarms] Request alarm info from watch on init
- [biplite] Fix auth with bip lite / band4
- [calendar] Add BuildRequires for calendar
- [calendar] Add support for sending calendar events to supproted devices
- [calendar] Commit calendar reader and add UI for calendar sync time
- [daemon] Add missing privileges file to allow reading calendar
- [devices] Add basic support for Mi Band 4 and fix name of mi band 2
- [feature] Add more checks against Steps and HRM
- [release] Update build and release for 1.1.3
- [ui] Fix labels on graphs by using X axis data and not assuming
- [ui] Improve coverpage information and actions.  Fixes #41

1.1.2 (2020-02-16)

- [devices] Fix name of Mi band 2/3
- [devices] When pairing, send the "firstTime" flag to older devices.
- [release] tag 1.1.2
- [translations] Add translation changes

1.1.1 (2020-02-07)

- [bip] Add bip-lite support and extend the mi2service with supprot for
- [devices] Add initial support for Bip Lite
- [gts] Add support for Amazfit GTS to the daemon
- [ui] Add miband3 and cor devices.  These will just use the bip device

1.0.0 (2020-01-05)

- [rpm] Fix missing lupdate and lrelease on builds outside of the SDK
- [rpm] Fix standard-dir-owned-by-package /usr/bin

0.9.1 (2019-05-21)

- [application] ultiple changes for release
- [daemon] move initial connection into the daemon
- [daemon] Move weather code into daemon
- [deamon] Add stubs to DaemonInterface
- [refactor] Split application into daemon and ui.
- [translation] updated
- [ui] Daemon management
- [ui] enable database connections
- [ui] Enum fixes
- [ui] implement ui methods and service watching
- [ui] Rework buttons

App information

Package name
Adam Pigg
Last updated
2024-11-24 18:48:45

Download size
4.8 MiB
Installed size
10.5 MiB
Checksum (sha256)
Download size
4.9 MiB
Installed size
10.6 MiB
Checksum (sha256)
Download size
4.8 MiB
Installed size
9.9 MiB
Checksum (sha256)
Download size
10.0 MiB
Installed size
10.0 MiB
Checksum (sha256)


Debug packages