MLS Manager
MLS Manager

MLS Manager
This app is a manager for Mozilla Location Service offline packages for Sailfish OS.
Mozilla Location Service
This app uses the offline data from Mozilla Location Service. \ The data is licensed under Public Domain.
Intention of project
I had alread released some offline packages on OpenRepos.net but I realized keeping all of them up to date will be a very hard job. \ An other problem is the big package sizes, taking away a lot of ressources from OpenRepos.
So I decided to host my own repository with packages and create a manager app. \ And here we are…
All of this is only intended as a temporary solution until Jolla presents an alternative.
Automatic Updates
Updates with actual data will be released weekly (if possible). \ I have created an automatic package creation pipline to make the job a bit easier for me.
Available Countries
At the moment 185 different countries are available.
Available Regions
- Africa
- Asia
- Australia and Oceania
- Europe
- North America
- South America
If you need more, let me know.
Get no fix at your current location?
These packages do not necessarily guarantee that you will get a GPS lock in your current area. This largely depends on whether there is any cell information available for this area.
To remedy this, you can contribute to the Mozilla Location Service or OpenCellid with software such as the Android App Tower Collector by logging the cell tower information in your area.
How to use
In Settings there these recommended settings:
Settings > System > Location > Custom settings: ON
Settings > System > Location > Select custom settings:
- GPS positioning: ON
- Offline position lock: ON
- Online position lock: OFF
Storage Location
Packages with version >2021.02.10-1 the installation path is in "/home/.system/usr/share/geoclue-provider-mlsdb/". \ So don't worry about size on ROOT partition. Thanks to abranson for his suggestion.
- English
- German
- Norwegian Bokmål (by Allan Nordhøy)
- Polish (by atlochowski)
- Slovak (by okruhliak / Ladislav Hodas)
- Russian (by sdiconov)
If your language is not available you are welcome to support this project by translating it on my self-hosted Weblate server:
I want to thank Petr Tsymbarovich(osetr) for his work on Storeman. \ His code helped me to get an idea how to handle repositories.
If you like my work, you can buy me a beer!
The easiest way to download and install this software is by the SailfishOS:Chum GUI app. If you wish to download the RPM file by yourself, please expand the section below.
0.2.5-1 (2022-02-03)
- Fixes for sailfishos:chum release
Older changelogs
0.2.2-1 (2022-01-08)
- Preparations for Sailjail - Add Russian translation by sdiconov
0.2.1-1 (2021-11-21)
- Updated translations
0.2.0-1 (2021-10-13)
- Add regions (Africa / Asia / Australia & Oceania / Europe / North America / South America) - Improvements & Bufixes
0.1.15-1 (2021-09-01)
- Translation update (Polish / Slovak) - Remove repository on deinstall (4.2.0 seems to have a problem with it at the moment)
0.1.14-1 (2021-07-15)
- Improved scrolling behaviour (thankt to Petr Tsymbarovich for his contribution)
0.1.13-1 (2021-06-01)
- Translation fixes Slovak (thanks to Ladislav Hodas) - Add button to star repo with SailHub in about page
0.1.12-1 (2021-04-19)
- Translation fixes - Build for aarch64
0.1.11-1 (2021-03-07)
- Polish translation updated (thanks to atlochowski) - Show package version info in list
0.1.10-1 (2021-03-03)
- Add translation information with self hosted weblate server
0.1.9-1 (2021-03-02)
- Polish translation added (atlochowski)
0.1.7-1 (2021-03-02)
- Norwegian translation added (comradekingu) - Slovak translation added (okruhliak)
0.1.6-1 (2021-02-19)
- Add page busy indicator
0.1.5-1 (2021-02-13)
- Error notifications - Bugfixes
0.1.4-1 (2021-02-11)
- Fixed bug when install all available package updates - Fixed translations - Optimizations
0.1.3-1 (2021-02-09)
- Show progress of install / remove / update operation of package
0.1.2-1 (2021-02-07)
- Update notifications - Update all packages at once in pulley menu - Remorse timer for actions - No need to make a new version of this app when new country is available - Code cleanup and improvments
0.1.1-1 (2021-02-06)
- Added Russia (thanks to osetr again)
0.1.0-1 (2021-02-06)
- Intitial release
App information
- Package name
- harbour-mlsmanager
- Version
- 0.2.5-1.2.1.jolla
- Licence
- Last updated
- 2024-06-02 23:08:35
- Download size
- 457.9 KiB
- Installed size
- 705.7 KiB
- Checksum (sha256)
- 27daac4d8264a318fc60bdfd73679c2ef9f87aec0962be3a825f510881cef274