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App icon of Edge Swipe Control

Edge Swipe Control

Configure Edge Swipes

Screenshot of peekfilter-button Screenshot of peekfilter-button Screenshot of peekfilter-button

Edge Swipe Control for Lipstick

Adds a Settings entry to configure and a Top Menu switch to disable edge swipes.

This app serves two functions:

One, it allows to set the peekBundaryWidth from the Settings app.
See Easing Edge Swipe about that.

Two, say you are playing a game or are editing an image in some app, but the edge swipe gets in the way and wants to minimize the app.
Simple, swipe down the Top Menu, tap the switch, swipe up again. Problem goes away.

But DO remember to disable the switch again soon, else you will have a bad time interacting with SFOS ;)

For safety reasons, the button automatically disables itself when the device locks.


The easiest way to download and install this software is by the SailfishOS:Chum GUI app. If you wish to download the RPM file by yourself, please expand the section below.

Download links


0.11.0+git1 (2023-01-27)

- [L10N] update translations

Older changelogs

0.11.0 (2023-01-27)

- [Feature] Support Quick App Switch setting

0.10.0+git1 (2023-01-24)

- [Cleanups] various
- [Fix] Use Device Lock detection for Timer and resetting
- [L10N] update German
- [L10N] update translations
- [Plumbing] Remove persistent backup key
- [Plumbing] Stored boundary: move to property from ConfigurationValue
- [Refactor] the whole Button

App information

Package name
ASL 2.0
Last updated
2024-06-03 01:05:11

Download size
73.4 KiB
Installed size
133.6 KiB
Checksum (sha256)
Download size
2.6 MiB
Installed size
2.6 MiB
Checksum (sha256)
